How Our Business Impact Analysis Process Works

Our 'first step' exit plan assessment options -- Comprehensive, Fast, and Inexpensive. It's a way for us to start building a relationship and for you to gain confidence fast.

Fill out the contact information at the bottom of the page, or call us at 412.345.8108.  Our Senior Adviser Group will contact you within 24 hours.  

Be specific in the subject heading and details box.  Our Senior Advisers will always speak with you for 15-30 minutes to answer questions or discuss a topic.  

If you are interested in learning more about one of our Essentials Assessments, we will explain how we work with you.  

Each business impact analysis balances:

  • Efficiency
  • Substantive answers
  • Practical answers to apply in your business today
  • Building confidence between us as we start a relationship based on competency and trust. 

Quotes That Count

“Transition planning means executing business strategy… Because you and your business are always in transition.”

— Michael Malloy, Ph.D., FInstIB, CExP

Transition Plan Executive Assessment

The Universal Truth is that every owner will exit their business…
The Question is on whose terms: Circumstance, Others,… or Yours?

  • Minimize owner risk. Protect company from uncertainty and have a backup plan.
  • Maintain control of the business until after the owner is certain to achieve all of his or her exit objectives.
  • Maximize the value desired or needed from the transfer of ownership.

Transition Planning Executive Assessment allows us to work together to quickly understand your business and personal situation. We use our observations and software to provide an assessment of your "exit" plan options, how to set the stage for your "retirement," and your inheritance plan.

Here you will find a one-page overview of our Transition Plan Executive Assessment. 

Continuity Plan Executive Assessment

Suddenly you’re not there for them anymore… Walk me through their next 24 hours.

How do you assure the continuity of the most important asset to your family's future?

  • Business ownership?
  • Who makes Decisions?
  • Loss of key talent -- You?
  • Loss of key employees and customers?
  • Loss of financial resources?

Continuity Plan Executive Assessment is about preserving and protecting the value of your business. It allows us to work together to understand your business and family situation, and determine how exposed they are to your sudden absence. We use our observations and software to provide an assessment as a preliminary continuity plan so we can quickly reduce the risk to your most important asset... your business.

Here you will find a one-page overview of our Continuity Plan Executive Assessment.

Our Expert’s Blog

Buy/ Sell Agreement Series: Part 3- Is Your Buy-Sell Agreement Current?

The business continuity agreement is the single most important document that the owners of a closely held business will ever sign. This agreement (also known as a buy-and-sell or buy-sell agreement) controls the transfer of ownership when certain events occur. These events include: the death or disability of a shareholder, an involuntary termination or retirement of a shareholder and even (yes they do happen) disputes among owners.